
Moms Got To Love 'Em....

Oh mercy, I have no idea where to start with this thing. I've never been good at putting my thoughts down on paper for the world to see. I'm a new photographer in Jacksonville, FL. I've been in business since January of 2007 and I feel like life has been a roller coaster since. I've faced hard learning curves and a little adversity in my small time period of owning a business but all in all I'm happy with what I have achieved.

I figure what better way to start a blog than to tell a story that everyone who has a Mom can relate to. My Mother, for those that know me and her that's really all I have to say to describe SO much! But she's an amazing woman who raised two girls all on her own for many years. She's a beautiful and wonderful woman that is always very encouraging, loving, and supportive of her children. My Mom is very supportive of my work, but sometimes I think that she sees what I do with the eyes of a Mother. They are after all a little bias of their children, and what their children do are often seen as better than what anyone else could do simply because they are their child. While my Mom has this same syndrome going on when it comes to me and my sister she's still real enough to tell us when something we do stinks, and to give constructive criticism which is something I love about her.

Recently, I did a "trash the dress" shoot which as most know is a trend that is quite literally sweeping the nation. I had posted them on MySpace along with the majority of the rest of my work and had gotten really good reviews. My Mom, bless her heart, has a MySpace to keep up with her girls. She doesn't log on 5-6 times a day like I do but she gets on there enough to keep up and see what we are up to. Even manages to comment on a few of my photos that she likes. (Mom moved to PA about 6 years ago) I value my Mothers opinion as she is a very artistic woman and I credit a lot of my artistic ability to her, so I asked her to please comment on my recent photos from the TDD session. We were on the phone at this point and going through the various photos on MySpace, and Mom said the cutest thing ever. "Jessica I really like most of these, but most of all I like the creativity behind the idea" she went on about the dress and how I had come up with such a unique idea to "trash" it. She was so excited! She went on to warn me about other stealing the idea cause it was so unique, etc etc etc.... It almost broke my heart to tell her that trashing the dress was not my idea and was in fact a nation wide thing, that many or most of the photographers now a days were doing it. Her response was "oh..... well the photos are really good"

Here are a few photos she liked best.....