
Just to Blog

That's right, I'm blogging just to blog... I have to stay in the habit of these things or else everything gets all bogged down and I completely forget about doing this...

This weekend was a highly productive weekend for me... I had a couples shoot Friday, Small Wedding on Saturday and then Sunday we did the Dad thing.

Sunday, Pops came over to Granniema's house (yes I have strange names for just about everything and everyone) Wes and I made ribs (that we kinda messed up, but all in all they were ok) Granniema made corn on the cob and baked taters. It was a pretty good day. It's even nicer that Grandma's house is a pet friendly house so we got to take both IG's and Jersey with us....

Saturday's wedding didn't start until around 4:30 well the wedding was at 5:30 but I started at 4:30. I'll have to say that I didn't get a lot of time to get to know Maria and Chris, they answered all my questions and I knew they were a lovely couple and very fun and highly normal but I didn't really get a feel for either one of their personalities. I met with Maria a few months ago about the wedding and did the whole meet, greet, contract thing and we keep up a bit on MySpace but not as much as some of my other clients and I do. Her wedding was a total blast, it was at the LeJardin House on Park which is an amazing place!!! Simply amazing, great little venue!!! And everyone just had fun! Which is ideal when it comes to weddings... (no worries there will be a blog about that later :D)

Friday, I got to meet another Navy wife named Jessica! She made her hubby wear his working whites (you know the HOOOOOTTTTTT uniform) around Downtown Jax for their photoshoot. He was such a good sport about everything!!! It was a nice little shoot, good to be out in the afternoon air and get a little exercise in....

Speaking of Exercise I recently went in halfzies with Wes on getting a Wii and Wii Fit... that little machine and board are AMAZING. I've been doing it for 5 days now... (took father's day off) and I can feel a difference in my posture and the way I feel. I'm sore, and feel worked but in a good way. I can't believe this little thing works you like it does!!! It's so helpful cause it tells you when you are doing exercises correctly and scores you accordingly, cause you always want to better yourself of whoever else is using it so that's a very smart feature! I've been doing Yoga, Strength exercises and also some low impact cardio which is great cause Lord knows I'm never carting myself to the gym. I made a goal to lose 22lbs by Sept 13th! and I plan on getting there!!!!